Thursday, August 15, 2013


Andai engkau tahu betapa ku mencintaimu
Selalu menjadikanmu isi dalam doaku
Ku tahu tak mudah menjadi yang kau pinta
Ku pasrahkan hatiku, takdir kan menjawabnya
Jika aku bukan jalanmu
Ku berhenti mengharapkanmu
Jika aku memang tercipta untukmu
Ku kan memilikimu, jodoh pasti bertemu
Hanya dirimu yang ku cinta
Takkan membuat aku jatuh cinta lagi
Aku merasa kau yang terbaik untuk diriku
Apa adanya ku kan tetap setia kepadamu
Tuhan jagakan dia
Dia kekasihku kan tetap milikku
Aku sungguh mencintai
Sungguh menyayangi setulus hatiku
Seandainya Tuhan mengizinkan
Ingin aku terus bersamamu
Biarpun pedih dugaannya
Rela aku menghadapinya dengan sabar
Seandainya Tuhan mengizinkan
Cintamu mekar bersamaku
Ingin aku membahagiakan hidupmu
Tak pernah kutermimpi
Untuk bercinta denganmu oh sayangku
Tapi dah tersurat kita bertemu dan jatuh cinta
Sekiranya kau dapat terima aku seadanya
Itulah buktinya keihklasanmu
Aku harap engkau masih menyayangi diri ini
Kerana kutidak sanggup berpisah denganmu
Kenangilah saat-saat indah percintaan kita
Semoga abadi kisah cinta kita selama lamanya

ALLAH, bantu aku. amin

The reasons why I love you

Hye B
When ever you read this post, it's showed how much I think of you right now. 
U used to ask me why I didn't ever post anything about you, 
about us but I didnt answered u that time.
But deep in my heart, I really2 want to tell the world that I am so happy having you 
I am the luckiest girl been loved by you.
Owhh how much and eager I want to do that.

I wrote you in my diary
I wrote yellow notes for you when I feel that how much I miss you at that time.
And now I must put a note in my own blog how much I love you

Check it out!

  • I love you for the way you make me feel when I am with you.
  • I love how you complete me
  • I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am
  • I love the way you protect and defend me
  • I love you because you can play c-mecanic with me eventhough its already 3 am in the morning
  • I love you because you love my cooking eventhou I know its always tasteless B, haha!
  • I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough
  • I love the way you support me when I'm offtrack
  • I love that you call me your baby
  • I love that we can shared everything 
  • I love you because you be you, and you allow me to be me. 
  • With you I feel secure and I am looking forward to a life with you by my side
  • I love you because you love me like I do love you
  • I love you because you still love me eventhoug I am fat
  • I love you because u still accept me with my clumsiness

  • But the most important thing B, I love you just because it is YOU and I i will love you for the rest of my life.

May allah bless this relationship, amin!

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